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  • ...What she brought into my life is something that I will never be able to pay her back for...M R., New York, NY"
    Barbara came into my life at the perfect time. What she brought into my life is something that I will never be able to pay her back for. Her energy and love is palpable. Her words still resonate in me after many months. She has a gift and she is able to guide you in a gentle but very powerful way. In one hour, she allowed me to let go and grow deeper and faster than I've done in years. A session with Barbara goes beyond anything you can imagine. She truly is an angel on this earth. — Maria R., New York City, NY
  • ...A healing session with Barb is something I was secretly scared of but simultaneously strongly looked forward to, because I knew it would profoundly affect me in so many ways... M S.,  Beacon, NY"
    A healing session with Barb is something I was secretly scared of but simultaneously strongly looked forward to, because I knew it would profoundly affect me in so many ways. Spending just a little over an hour with her made me clearly see the true essence of life, and look past mundane nonsense that we're all used to encountering every day. Ever since that meeting, I've been so much more confident with who I am and the purpose that my existence serves. It made me put my life into perspective and begin to realize my full potential. And for that- I am forever grateful. - M S, Beacon, NY
  • If anyone is considering contacting Barbara - do not wait! Tim, Grand Rapids, Mi."
    If anyone is considering contacting Barbara - do not wait! Her gift is truly amazing and her guidance has single-handedly transformed my life! — Tim, Grand Rapids, Michigan
  • ...through the experience of her passing. It took some time for me to realize them. I live life much more fully now!...Madeline, New York, NY"
    Many years ago, I went to Barbara after being involved in a series of car accidents. I didn't know why they were happening. The reading began with Barbara humming a song. It was the very lullaby I always sang to my daughter and sang to her the night before her death. She had been killed in a car accident; the cause unknown until Barbara explained the road conditions of that morning which confirmed our suspicions. Because I had focused so much of my thoughts on 'how could this have happened?', imagining all kinds of possibilities mixed with my emotional state, I was unknowingly manifesting my own accidents! That day Barbara brought my daughter back to me with so much loving validations! We had a disagreement the day before the accident, which went unforgiven. Peacefully, even humorously, it was forgiven in the reading. It was that peace which healed, peeling away guilt as a mother unable to keep my child safe, as well as my fears of death's finality. I know I can never be separated from my daughter's love or her presence. I feel her in my thoughts and know we are together in my dreams. Over the years, grief shifted into the gifts of her life, even to my own gifts offered through the experience of her passing. It took some time for me to realize them. I live life much more fully now! Recently, I reconnected with Barbara to tell her how much her gift helped me to live on. — Madeline, New York, NY
  • ...Barbara helped me realize my grief was causing me to hid from my own willingness to live life. It had become an excuse.... Nancy, Chicago, Il."
    I recently had a session with Barbara after mourning my father's passing over the past few years. Barbara's gift did more for me than all the years vested in counseling! She not only brought in my father through his words, wit, and unique quotes, but fond memories that held a shared significance. Dad also spoke to specific effects his illness offered as hidden opportunities for self-acceptance and eventual self-love! I knew dad was safe, well cared for, and his very livingness, with all his curiosities and interests carried over with him in the next realm. In realizing there's no real death, only a passing of the body, I also now know that when I think of my dad, he too is sharing in the same exchange of thought and love! Barbara helped me realize my grief was causing me to hid from my own willingness to live life. It had become an excuse. Just as disappointments long-rooted in specific memories from childhood had affected my current thinking, feeling abandoned. All of which needed to be let go by looking at these disappointing events in a new and empowering way, giving light onto the very purpose of my old experiences! The most amazing part of our session was hearing my dad share with the the beauty and wonder of his passing. The angels! Angels were with him as well and with all of us in the room. They brought him peace rich in love that helped him let go with a trust there was more. So much more! — Nancy, Chicago, IL
  • ...It’s hard to describe how extraordinarily profound the session was for me... Annoyomous, State College, Pa."
    I met Barbara through a mutual friend several months ago during a time of tremendous transition in my life. I was fascinated by the concept of her gift, but wasn’t sure how having a session with her would help me—after all, I didn’t feel that I had unfinished business with a loved one who had passed. That was my narrow and uneducated understanding of what her gift “looked like”. After attending a number of her meditation sessions, I understood how very wrong my perception was--how much broader her gift is. In small moments, she would encourage me to think about my “little girl self” and to examine pivotal events from the past for understanding and healing. I resisted this notion as I saw no value in going backwards—life is about moving forward and not living in the past, right?! Slowly, I began to feel a pull. Something was encouraging me to have a session with her--that there were lessons I was ready to learn and only she could teach me. I went into our session with zero expectations, simply an open mind, an open heart and a healthy dose of curiosity. It’s hard to describe how extraordinarily profound the session was for me. Some of it is a blur, some moments I can recall with vivid detail and emotion. Quite simply, it was a broadly and sublimely spiritual experience. Barbara did receive messages from a passed loved one (which made my heart smile), who pointed to ages in my childhood when 2 pivotal events occurred. She knew things I hadn't told her and otherwise could not have know. Barbara was present with me--truly present. She cried with me. She laughed with me. Most importantly, she gently provided a safe place to guide me through the process of reliving some painful moments from my childhood that I had long forgotten, or so I thought. She educated me and gave me tools to think about things from a different perspective—through a different lens. To see the joy and beauty in my "little girl self". Barbara's insight has blessed me with an individual experience--a new base--from which I can draw, explore, and continue to learn. I will be forever grateful for this blessing. — State College, PA
  • ...A session with Barbara goes beyond anything you can imagine. She truly is an angel on this earth... Maria R., New York, NY"
    Barbara came into my life at the perfect time. What she brought into my life is something that I will never be able to pay her back for. Her energy and love is palpable. Her words still resonate in me after many months. She has a gift and she is able to guide you in a gentle but very powerful way. In one hour, she allowed me to let go and grow deeper and faster than I've done in years. A session with Barbara goes beyond anything you can imagine. She truly is an angel on this earth. — Maria R., New York City, NY
  • If you’re seeking insight into your personal journey look no further than Barbara… E I, State College, Pa."
    If you’ re seeking deeper insight into your personal journey look no further than Barbara. She is incredibly intuitive, empathic, and compassionate. She serves her clients; not an agenda. session with her will leave you more inspired, trusting and deeply motivated to continue on your own journey. E I State College, Pa.
  • ...Barbara healed a wound I was carrying and ... I regained an inner peace I hadn’t realized I lost... Scott L, State College, Pa."
    I met with Barbara for no specific reason other than I just felt off and could feel I was carrying something unwanted inside. I’m not sure how to explain our session, but something inside of me was literally pulled out. I sobbed afterward for what reason I can’t tell you. The days that followed I felt light, positive, at peace. Seemingly unrelated to me, I reached out to my Father that I hadn’t spoken to in over 5 years. He was so appreciative and we mended our wounds and then saw each other for the first time in over 5 years a couple months later. Barbara healed a wound I was carrying and I was able to connect with my Father again. I regained an inner peace I hadn’t realized I lost. - Scott L.
  • "The reading was members who came into the reading was nice but there was so much more to the reading....She explained what our real relationship to God is ...nothing to do with fear and everything to do with love..." Stephen, Williamsport, Pa"
    Before I get into my experience with Barbara, I want to share with you what actually brought me to her door step. I am an American born Italian who was raised in a very strict Catholic home. Although my faith in the Catholic church was broken, I still believed in what I was taught to be truth. My wife was working at the Gate House a end of life Hospice facility. She starting telling me things that she saw working in that environment. Then she starts telling me spiritual concepts that, to be honest, made me mad. The concepts were all contrary to what I knew as truth. One day my wife tell me she is going to see this woman named Barbara Waldeisen who was a medium. I was not happy about it. The night before her appointment, just before I went to sleep, I asked my father to come to my wife’s reading. My dad died when I was 17. My thought process was, this was going to be a test to see if Barb was for real or not. I come home from work the next day and the first words out of my wife’s mouth were “ You aren’t going to believe this but your father was the first one to come through at my reading today “. She went on to tell me, your dad wanted to be first and was strong willed about being heard. Well, my jaw dropped. First with him showing up and second, his behavior at the reading describes him to a T. A few weeks went by and my wife Debbie had made another appointment with Barb. The night before Debbie asked me if I wanted to go in her place. I said “ Debbie I have so much work stacked up on my desk, there is no way I can go. “ The next day, I go into my office and the things I had to do were either done or I accomplished them with ease. I took this as a sign that maybe I should go to see Barb. So I went. We rang the door bell and this nicely dressed woman answers the door and invites Debbie and I in. She hugs me, then looks me in the eyes, with her piercing blue eyes, and says “ Stephen, your life will never be the same “. I was a bit surprised by such a direct comment within 20 seconds of knowing her. The reading was incredible. Of course the family members who came to the reading was nice but there was so much more to the reading. She introduced concepts to me that made so much sense. She explained what our real relationship with god is and how it has nothing to do with fear and everything to do with love. As she was talking to me, I could almost feel the weight I was carrying being lifted off my shoulders. She talked to me about healing and miracles. This really got my attention as I was living with a great deal of pain. I had 3 back surgeries that had all failed. The doctors said there is nothing they could do and all filled out paperwork for disability. I could no longer do what I once did so changed occupations. As I listened to her explain how healing happens, on all levels, I knew I needed to pursue a different direction spiritually. Barb also introduced me to the teachings of Gabriel. She even gave me a CD to listen to. Quite honestly, the reading was over 2 hours and it seemed like 10 minutes. After the reading, she invited me to come to a meeting, that she would facilitate, to learn more spiritual concepts and sit in the healing chair. I was in. The meeting started with a prayer then Barb did some teaching and we moved into healing. There was a chair set in the middle of a circle of people. Barb asked me to sit in the chair, so I did. The healing was done by 2 people who placed their hands on the back of your neck. When the healing started, I my muscles started to quiver. The light behind my eyes was a brilliant white. Then images started in my minds eye. I started crying. I felt like I was not in my body. After it was over, I returned to my seat not knowing what the heck just happened. Some of the people there gave me messages but I felt so different. I noticed my back pain was very diminished. After we left the meeting, I kept in touch with Barb and told her as each day went by, my pain was less and less. After 2 weeks, I was pain free and was able to do things I haven’t been able to do for years. After a few months I had a Dr appointment. It was a follow up for all my back issues. They did X-rays to check if my condition was getting worse. The Dr came in and I told him I had no pain. He asked me to do a few things to check mobility. He kept asking me, does that hurt? My answer was no. I will never forget what he said to me.. he said “ Steve, there are things in the medical field we cannot explain. Your back is actually in worse condition than it was 6 months ago yet you have no pain and very little limitation. I suggest you thank God every morning before your feet hit the floor because this is a miracle.” Barb was correct, my life changed that day. My back is healed and I am on a completely different spiritual path which changed everything. Stephen
  • Barbara’s passion for teaching and sharing her knowledge and wisdom has greatly progressed my spiritual and meditative practices... Sharon, State College, Pa."
    “Barbara’s passion for teaching and sharing her knowledge and wisdom has greatly progressed my spiritual and meditative practices. My joy and well-being have increased along with my ability to quickly center and balance myself. I am able to enjoy life more, not just in handling the daily ups and downs, but also, I am able to navigate the bigger challenges in life more smoothly and calmly. Barbara's intuitiveness is truly extraordinary which helps to focus on key areas for growth. I have learned so much and am so appreciative of her generous time and teachings.” Sharon State College, Pa
  • ...Barb has been a beacon and profound source of insight, discernment and support that has led me to a level of understanding I never thought possible... S K, New York, NY"
    Capturing in words the extent to which Barbara has helped me transform my world and the way I now walk through that world is difficult. I could write a novella articulating all the facets and dimensions and it still might not cover it. What I can offer, Barb has been a beacon and profound source of insight, discernment and support that has led me to a level of understanding I never thought possible. Barbara has the gift of bringing what can feel like the intangibles of spirituality into the realms of day to day life where these aspects can be applied and practiced. Her merging of the spiritual, intellectual and practical in this way makes for a journey that feels purposeful and empowered; and inspired journey through which to learn, grow, transform and ultimately heal. Through her stewardship I have been able to identify and release fear-based belief systems. Because of this work, I am finally discovering myself and the full potential of my path free from the shackles of doubt, worry, anxiety. And it is now with sense of purpose and joy that I am inspired to connect to my higher self with the knowledge that possibilities are limitless to experience! Shane K. NY
  • We refer our friends and family to Barbara...Each and everyone tells of the minute details she couldnt possibly know about their loved ones' but does! I am amazed how this one experience changed my life for the better!   M C Williamsport, Pa."
    "A friend asked if I would sit in on a session with her, while see had a reading with a meduim name Barbara. As a catholic, I was uncomfortable the possibility of changing my core beliefs, but I did eventually agree to go and accompanied my friend. During the session I was really taken by Barbara. Love and compassion exuded from her. She described spirits, loved ones who surrounded my friend. Also there was a discussion of other challenges besides grief, that my friend was experiencing in her own personal life. Tools were given to help her address these challenges. The 'how to" to change the struggles into opportunities that would give empowerment. Barbara offered meaningful guidance. Instead of questioning my faith after this experience, it reaffirmed my faith. I realized my religion is a vechile to release the human bonds that we place on ourselves. My most important take away is that we are accountable in this life time! At that point I knew my next step was to drag my two college age boys to Barbara. We refer friends and family to Barbara. Each and everyone tells of the minute details she couldn't possibly know about their loved ones, but does! Through Barbara's encouragement, I also use meditation to continue my own spiritual voyage. Its another way to allow your true spirit shine. This holy spirit is synonymous with love. Its been seven years since my first incounter with Barbara, and I am amazed how this one experience changed my life for the better!" M C Williamsport, PA.
  • "Through Barbara's stewardship, I have been able to identify and release fear- based beliefs. Because of our work together, I am finally discovering myself, the full potential of my path free from the shackles of doubt, worry, deep anixeity." S K New York, NY"
    "Capturing in words the extent to which Barbara has helped me transform my world and the way I now walk through it is difficult. I could write a novella articulating all the facets and dimensions, yet still not cover it. Barbara has been a beacon, a profound source of insight, discernment and support that has led me to a level of understanding I never thought possible. She has a gift of bringing what can feel like the intangilbles of spirituality into the realms of day to day life, where these aspects can be applied and practiced. Her merging of the spiritual, intelluctural and practical in this way makes for a journey that empowers, provides purpose and energizes for learning, growth, transformation, which ultimatelly heals. Through her stewardship, I have bee able to identify and release fear-based beliefs. Because of this work I am finally discovering myself and the full potential of my path free from the shackles of depressin, doubt, worry and anxiety. And its now with sense of purose and joy I am inspiried to connect to my higherself with the knowledge that possibilities are llimitless!" S K New York City, NY
  • "Barb is a gifted, compassinate meduim...there was so much accuracy when she reflected on my past and what is being addressed in the present, that I knew the angels were whispering my reality in her ear ..." W H Chicago, Ill"
    Barb is a gifted and compassionate medium whom has given me an insightful, meanigful reading. There was so much accuracy when she reflected on my past as well as the present, I knew the angels were whispering my reality in her ear, and were indeed the truth. Much was spoken and healed on a different level with a close loved one, whom passsed, that I was still emotionally attached too. From this higher perspective the lessons in our relationship where highlighted instilling yet a greater bond of love. With this, Barb was able to provide meaningful guidance in helping me move forward on a clearer path that offered choices I had not recognized before." W H Chicago, Ill

Barbara Waldeisen is Whispering Angel Medium, located in State College, PA and serving clients virtually worldwide.  

Whispering Angel is a Spiritual Ministry reuniting, counseling, and healing through the gift of high mediumship. 


 Serving more than 1,000 individuals since 2003!

© 2021 Barbara Waldeisen | Whispering Angel Medium

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